Other Adaptive Applications

Adaptive Machining

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Adaptive Machining and technology solutions can play an important role in the applications methods, analysis and custom-manufacturing of any part where the shape, size and form must be tailored individually – such as orthopaedic implants.

Shape and dimensions can be input through various forms of media, such as CT (Computer Tomography) scans, to enable our Adaptive software solutions to facilitate the automatic adjustment of the CAD model. Machine tool paths are then generated to manufacture the component to the highest possible accuracy. This eliminates blending issues and hand finishing operations that would otherwise be required.

This method is particularly powerful for the custom-fitting of femoral implants where the implant stem must be custom-manufactured to suit individual patient skeletal requirements.

Whatever the component you are custom-manufacturing, if accuracy is an issue with your application methods, you need to utilise Adaptive Machining Technology.